Access to the study
From the 'Access' tab, you can check and modify the information related to:
who has access to the exam
in which ways the exam can be accessed
when access to the exam was granted
All registrations of actual access to the exam is logged in Study logging.


In the 'Users' section is listed for which users and user groups, the exam is accessible from the explore page.
By clicking a groups name, you can consult the details for the group (members, address, contact information, ...)
Furthermore, you can see what type of access a user has, until when the access is valid and when and by whom the access was granted.
A specific access can be withdraw by clicking the cross icon at the end of the line.

Unlocked (Break-the-glass)

This list contains all users that have unlocked the exam for access, when and for what reason.

PACS (Transferred)

This list contains all actions on forwarding or downloading the exam to a local PACS system.


This list contains all buckets to which it belongs and all corresponding details.
Access to a bucket can be revoked by clicking the cross icon at the end of the line.
When bucket access is withdrawn, you have the possibility to remove the exam from the bucket REMOVE STUDY FROM BUCKET or to remove the entire bucketREMOVE FULL BUCKET

Reference number

This list contains all reference numbers that can be used to obtain access to the exam through the patient login.
Access through a specific reference number can be withdrawn by clicking the cross icon at the end of the line.
From the list, it can be seen when each reference number was generated and from when until when it can be used, as allowed by the source.
In case the "Valid from" and "Valid to" date is not registered, there is no date restriction on the use of the reference number.
In case the radiology department requires the patient to pay for access to the study, access can be secured with an additional Pincode, provided to the patient upon payment.
This table lists the registered Pincode for each reference number and the number of failed attempts to enter the Pincode.
A radiology department can impose a minimum complexity for its reference numbers. In case a reference number does not fulfill this requirement, it is marked with an icon and cannot be used to access the study.
The button 'Regenerate reference numbers' allows you to add the reference numbers again, according to the configuration of the sending radiology department.

RSW Status

It's possible to send the study to RSW again by clicking on the Send button at the end of the line:
Confirm your request by clicking SEND.