Version and remote assistance
The label of PACSonWEB can be displayed by clicking on 'About PACSonWEB' from the Help menu on the top right of the screen.
Within this screen the following information is displayed:
(1) Link to our support page with frequently asked questions and answers
(2) All information with respect to the manufacturer of PACSonWEB
(3) All information with respect to the actual version of PACSonWEB and the corresponding release date
(4) All information with respect to the manual for PACSonWEB and the latest revision date
Note Label


In this screenshot the version number is v3.3.900
From the Help menu, you can also
consult the online user manual
download the user manual in PDF format
consult the support page (see below)
download the PACSonWEB application for multimonitor support
If you experience an issue when using PACSonWEB, you can consult our ‘Support page’.
This page lists the most frequently asked questions and answers.
If the answer to your question is not listed, you can let one of our service desk agents control your pc remotely.
Select “Click here to start teamviewer” at the bottom at the section “Other questions or issues?” at the bottom of support page and pass your Team Viewer ID to the support agent.