I have an account but I have forgotten my password.
In case you already have an account but you have forgotten the password, you can click the "Forgotten password" link in the logon screen to receive an email for resetting your password.
Be aware: the email address you provide must be the same email address that has been registered with your account and your mobile phone number must be registered with us to use this option.
I do not see all my requested studies in the overview list.
Possibly, you still have a filter value filled out.
Click "Reset Filters" at the bottom left to display all studies.
I cannot find an exam using the filter.
Possibly, one of the filter fields contains a value that does not correspond with the registered values for the study.
You can avoid errors by using partially filled out fields.
E.g. A patient, named "Céline Duchâtelet" is easier to find by searching for Name = "du" and First Name = "ce".
The filter only allows searching amongst exams which you are entitled to see, being:
- Studies you have requested
- Studies that have been shared with you
- Studies that you have added, using the “Add study” functionality
- Studies that have been requested by one of your colleagues in a group practice
To access other studies, you should add the study using the reference number and date of birth of the patient, after clicking the "Add study" button on top of the search bar at the left.
I want to receive an email in case a new study is available in DeepUnity PACSonWEB.
Logon, using your account and go to your user settings, using the cog icon on the top left of the explore page.
In the "Mappings" section, you can indicate for which radiology departments, you want to receive an email in case a new study is available.
I want to share an exam with a colleague
From the explore page, you can select a single or multiple studies from the same source and click "Share studies" at the bottom of the page.
In case you have opened an exam, you can share the single exam by clicking the "Functions" button on the top right and selecting "Share study".
A detailled overview on the possibilities for sharing exams, is available here.
I do not have a DeepUnity PACSonWEB account.
You can request an account using this form. A Dobco representative will contact you within one working day to confirm your account details and provide you with your login details.
I made too many faulty logon attempts and now my account has been locked.
You can unlock your account by using the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen.
Please note: Your mobile phone number must be registered with us in order to use this option.
I want to consult a study for which I am not the requesting physician.
If you have the reference number for a study, you can add the study to your own list and gain access by using the "Add study" functionality on top of the search bar at the left.
The patient can also share his or her examination (s) with you so that you can view the images before the actual patient visit.
The images of an older exam are no longer available on DeepUnity PACSonWEB.
For data protection reasons, we delete the images from DeepUnity PACSonWEB after one year from the date of the examination. You can retransmit the images by opening the study and clicking the “Expired images” icon in the upper left corner.
Then click on the “Fetch images” button to put the images online again.
Please note that, depending on the size of the study, this can take several minutes to an hour before all images are available again.
If the “Expired images” symbol is not available, please contact Diagnosticum Bayern Mitte to have the images put online again.