RSDK based speech recognition
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The RSDK based speech recognition is a paid feature and can only be activated by your local PACSonWEB service partner.
If this feature is activated for your user, the following buttons will be available when editing a report:
Voice input indication:
A colored bar is displayed under the microphone icon, indicating if the user is speaking too loud, too silent or at a suitable level.
Color indication:
Blue = Too low
Green = Perfect
Yellow = Acceptable
Orange = High
Red = Too high
Optimal voice input
Voice input too high
When the voice input is reaching the color orange, the user will receive a toast message that says to lower the volume for better recognition.
"Your input volume is too high. Please lower your volume to have better recognition. It's advisable to adjust the input level on your device."
See the topics below on how to change this volume input.
Play features:
The spoken text can be played with the buttons in the report editor or their corresponding shortcut.
Play / Stop
Return 1 word
Click and hold
Rewind a ratio of 10 words / second
Skip 1 word
Click and hold
Fast forward a ratio of 10 words / second
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If you are using a multimedia keyboard, you can also use the corresponding play buttons on your keyboard.
The play features can also be controlled, using a foot pedal.
In this case, the following key combinations need to be configured:
Play / Stop
Start / stop fast forwarding
CTRL + ALT + F12
Start / stop rewinding
CTRL + ALT + F11
Speechmike button configuration:
The speechmike buttons can be mapped on the shortkeys page of PacsOnWeb (see the following page: Personal configuration shortcut keys), by default, the following buttons are mapped.
The Record button is mapped to the toggle recording functionality. The record button has to be pressed once to start the recording and pressed again to stop the recording.
The Play/stop button is mapped to the toggle playback functionality. The play button has to be pressed once to start the playback and pressed again to stop the playback.
The Forward button is mapped to the fast forward functionality. The playback is forwarded as long as the button is pressed.
The Rewind button is mapped to the rewind functionality. The playback rewinds as long as the button is pressed.
Additionally, any button can be linked to any shortcut. e.g: the F2 button on the speechmike could be mapped to the edit report functionality.
Supported devices
Dictation microphones
Foot controls
Philips SpeechMike Premium LFH3500
Philips ACC2310
Philips SpeechMike Premium LFH3510
Philips ACC2320
Philips SpeechMike Premium LFH3520
Philips ACC2330
Philips SpeechMike Premium LFH3600
Philips SpeechMike Premium LFH3610
Philips SpeechMike Premium Touch SMP3700
Philips SpeechMike Premium Touch SMP3710
Philips SpeechMike Premium Touch SMP3720
Philips SpeechMike Premium Touch SMP3800
Philips SpeechMike Premium Touch SMP3810
Philips SpeechMike Premium Air SMP4000
Philips SpeechMike Premium Air SMP4010
Philips SpeechOne PSM6000
Nuance PowerMic III
Nuance PowerMic 4

Multi-monitor application

In the multi-monitor application, all of the above topics work without any configuration.
The speechmike buttons also work when the application is not focused, e.g: when the user is working in another external application (Syngo.via), the user can still use the speechmike buttons.


The speechmike buttons will not work in the browser without configuration.
The speechmike buttons can be used in Chrome, but additional configuration is required.
Contact Dobco Medical Systems Support for the configuration of this functionality.
Synchronous playback:
If the user selects a word or phrase and presses play, the corresponding audio of the selected text is played.
Playback is stopped at the end of the selected text.
If the user has not made a selection but the cursor is at a certain location in the text and presses play, the audio will be played from the cursor position in the text.
Playback continues until the end of the text is reached.
If the user clicks stop during playback, the audio is stopped and the cursor will be located at the corresponding place in the text.
Saving of report audio
The report audio is saved in the background for performance reasons.
If the saving is still in progress when closing the browser tab, a warning message will be displayed.
It is still possible to close the tab, however the related audio file will be lost.
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For optimal recognition, it is recommended to set the microphone recording volume in the Windows sound settings quite low.
This keeps the recording of background noise to a minimum.
E.g. Speech Mike = 15
Audio configuration:
The audio configuration can be modified from within PACSonWEB.
By hovering over the microphone icon, a configuration menu will appear which allows to
Select the language (if more than 1 is configured)
Select the input device
Adjust the input volume (first slider)
Only possible when using the Multi Monitor Application and non speechmike devices.
This setting is saved with combination 'User + input device'.
Select the output device (for playback)
Adjust the audio volume (second slider)
This setting is saved in a cookie and will be remembered for this computer.
Voice commands:
When using Recognosco speech the following types of voice commands can be used:
Formatting commands (Bold, Italic, Underline)
Selection commands
Navigation commands
Correction commands
Microphone commands
Bullet list commands
To get an overview of all possible Speech commands, click the icon next to the language in the audio configuration:
The 'title' voice command will activate the Heading 1 formatting as configured in Preferences section Reporting
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The recognized text is not always 100% correct.
It is the responsibility of the radiologist to verify the correctness of the report before validation.
For help on dictation, see section Dictation Help RSDK in the user manual or visit the help page of RSDK